Mohammed Khalil
Psychosomatic Therapist
Transformational Trauma Therapist
Holistic Wellbeing Coach
Breathwork Facilitator
Professional Sound Healing Master
Sensory Energitics Practitioner
I healed my self holistically from 5 cronic diseases, leaky gut & 45 food sensitivities.
In 10 years, my life had totally transformed in all aspects; health, wellness, relationships, business & wellbeing.
Through this journey, i realized that true healing is happening holistically through mind, body & soul.
I learned a lot about spirituality. also i learned and mastered many healing methods & techniques:
Coaching, Nutrition, Functional Medicine, META-Health, Psycometry, Psychotherapy ,Hypnotherapy, Access Bars, Energy Healing, Sound & Vibrational Healing, Breathwork, Trauma Therapy & Sensory Energitics.
I do my own holistic blend of techniques to help you relieve your subconscious, body & nervous system's stucced emotions & energies; which is the root cause of all our symptoms, reflections & diseases.
My results with my clients is a transformational life changing experiences. Spiritually, emotionally & physically.
Thanks to god, my impact on their lives is reflecting daily on their reality.
I believe that a Powerful Qualified Healer is a deeply and truly healed person. And that was my life long journey.
It's not just about knowledge & techniques. Your TRUTH, leads.
Watch some feedbacks on my Instagram page